Remi Jedwab, Roman David Zarate, Federico Haslop, and Carlos Rodriguez. “Lakes and Economic Development: Evidence from the Permanent Shrinking of Lake Chad”. Reject & Resubmit at the Review of Economic Studies.
Paper: click here.
Remi Jedwab, Gabriel Ahlfeldt and Nathaniel Baum-Snow. “The Skyscraper Revolution: Global Economic Development and Land Savings”
Paper: click here.
Remi Jedwab and Jason Barr. “The American (Housing) Dream? U.S. vs. Worldwide Construction Patterns in Global Building Volume Data”
Thomas Esch, Klaus Deininger, Remi Jedwab and Pedro Rodriguez. “The Spatial Distribution of Building Volumes in 7,000 World Cities: Global Data and Old and New Stylized Facts”
Remi Jedwab and Mark Roberts. “Don’t Look Up? Future Climate Change and Durable Construction”
Remi Jedwab, Paul Romer, Asif Islam & Roberto Samaniego. “Returns to Experience and the Sectoral Misallocation of Labor across Sectors, Occupations, and Rural and Urban Locations”.
Remi Jedwab, Carlos Rodríguez-Castelán, Kathryn Nicholson and Roman Zarate. “Climate Change, Structural Change and International Migration to the U.S.: Evidence from Corridor Seco in Central America”
Remi Jedwab and Jingwen Zheng. “Urban Renewal and Long-Run Economic Development: Evidence from the Eradication of the City of Darkness in Hong Kong”
Remi Jedwab, Brian Blankespoor, Takaaki Masaki and Carlos Rodriguez. “Estimating the Spillover Economic Effects of Foreign Conflict: Evidence from Boko Haram and its Impact on Trade and Cities”. Revise & Resubmit at World Development.
Remi Jedwab and Bruno Conte. “Quantifying the Future Effects of Climate Change on sub-Saharan Africa’s Regional Lake Economies”
Mathieu Couttenier, Lucile Laugerette and Remi Jedwab. “Climate Change, Groundwater and Conflict: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa”