2th World Bank-GWU-UVA Conference on
The Economics of Sustainable Development and Climate Change
2 December 2024
Walking through desert. Nigeria. Photo: World Bank. Link to the license: Click here.
The World Bank, in collaboration with George Washington University (GWU) and the University of Virginia (UVA), will host the 1st World Bank-GWU-UVA Conference on “The Economics of Sustainable Development”.
The conference will be held at the World Bank headquarters in Washington DC on December 2, 2024 from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm EST. It will be followed by a reception at GWU from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm EST.
The Conference will bring together academics and development economics practitioners to present and discuss pressing questions relating to sustainable development, a theme which is central to the World Bank’s mission of tackling poverty on a liveable planet.
This theme is of increasing importance due to the growing recognition that a commitment to development and tackling poverty is unviable without an equal commitment to the urgency of addressing climate change, pollution, and environmental degradation.
Conference organizers:
Richard Damania (The World Bank)
Andrew Dabalen (The World Bank)
César Calderón (The World Bank)
Aparajita Goyal (The World Bank)
Remi Jedwab (George Washington University)
Molly Lipscomb (University of Virginia)
Sheetal Sekhri (University of Virginia)
Esha Zaveri (The World Bank)

1st World Bank-GWU-UVA Conference on
The Economics of Sustainable Development and Climate Change
9 November, 2023
Tree stumps, Indonesia. Photo: Curt Carnemark / World Bank. Link to the license: Click here.
The World Bank, in collaboration with George Washington University (GWU) and the University of Virginia (UVA), will host the 1st World Bank-GWU-UVA Conference on “The Economics of Sustainable Development”.
The conference will be held at the World Bank headquarters in Washington DC on November 29, 2023 from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm EST. It will be followed by a reception at GWU from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm EST.
The Conference will bring together academics and development economics practitioners to present and discuss pressing questions relating to sustainable development, a theme which is central to the World Bank’s mission of tackling poverty on a liveable planet.
This theme is of increasing importance due to the growing recognition that a commitment to development and tackling poverty is unviable without an equal commitment to the urgency of addressing climate change, pollution, and environmental degradation.
Conference organizers:
Richard Damania (The World Bank)
Andrew Dabalen (The World Bank)
César Calderón (The World Bank)
Aparajita Goyal (The World Bank)
Remi Jedwab (George Washington University)
Molly Lipscomb (University of Virginia)
Sheetal Sekhri (University of Virginia)
Esha Zaveri (The World Bank)